Absolute Reg On Driverless Cars

Modern technology can be a wonderful thing, in the last twenty years, it seems that we have seen more technological progress than ever before, but how does this affect the automotive world?
Of course, In Car Entertainment (ICE) has taken leaps and bounds – gone are the days of kids fighting in the back of the car on long journey’s, replaced by the faint crackling and tinny noise of sound coming through headphones. Depending on your view point (usually age related we’ve found), this could be a good or bad thing.
However, as that technology marches on, it means that such things as driverless cars are becoming more of a reality.
Still in its infancy, it doesn’t look like we’ll be overrun with these marvels any time soon, although tests are currently taking place in select towns and cities.
Whilst on the face of it, it seems like a good thing, the experts are saying that it will reduce accidents significantly, but surely that’s only when the majority of vehicles on the road are controlled by computers, what happens in the interim – driverless cars and traditional cars all vying for road space.
Will there be an element of the lazy drivers getting even lazier – not bothering to indicate, turn main beam off or even looking in their mirrors? Expecting the computer in the driverless car to work out what’s happening and take avoiding action if necessary?
Also, in the event of an accident, who gets the blame? The computer? The manufacturer? Or even the registered owner. We think this will be one of the biggest drawbacks to this technology being introduced – lots of liability and little ownership.
We are all for new technology, but when it comes to testing the latest phone, game or gadget, the consequences if it goes wrong are minimal, but a full