How To Transfer A Private Plate To Another Car

Have you recently purchased a private plate for your vehicle? If you have, and you don’t know where to start with transferring your number plate, Absolute Reg are here to help.
While at face value, this might sound rather daunting, transferring your private plate can actually be a very simple process. There are three types of plate transfers: vehicle to vehicle, document to vehicle, and vehicle to document. In this article, we’ll discuss all methods you can use to transfer your number plate.
Plate Transfer Methods
There are three types of plate transfers: vehicle to vehicle, document to vehicle, and vehicle to document. All three of these methods require the use of the V317 form.
Vehicle to Vehicle Transfers
Vehicle to vehicle transfers can be broken down into two main steps. You will start by removing your plate from your current vehicle. From there, your plate can be assigned to a new vehicle.
Plate Removal
To remove your number plate from your vehicle, visit the DVLA Website. Here, you will be asked to input the registration of the plate you wish to remove. You will also be asked to input your latest V5C registration certificate and keeper postcode, which can both be found in your logbook.
Once you’ve filled out these details, you’ll be asked to confirm that you’re the registered keeper of this plate, and pay an £80 fee. After this, your plate will be officially removed from your vehicle, and you will be provided with a reference number that you will need for the second step of this process.
Reassigning Your Plate
Once you have successfully removed the plate from the previous vehicle, you can start the process of assigning the plate to a new vehicle. This is also achieved on the DVLA website.
When completing the plate reassignment form, provide the registration details for the plate you want to transfer. You will also be asked to confirm your role as the grantee/purchaser, along with relevant information from your V5C document.
After this, you will be asked to input the reference number you were provided with at the end of the first step. With this, the form will be complete and ready for submission.
By Post
If you’re looking to transfer your plate by post, start by downloading the V317 form. Follow the instructions in “option A”, to complete the form you will need information from the logbooks of both vehicles involved in the transfer.
Enclose with the form an £80 cheque addressed to “DVLA Swansea”, as well as the logbooks of both vehicles. The address you need to send your form to is included on the final page of the V317 form.
Document to Vehicle Transfers
The following steps are suitable for holders of a V750 certificate of entitlement or a V778 retention document who are looking to replace their current number plate.
Online Transfers
Firstly, to transfer your plate online, you should check the expiry date on your V750 or V778 to make sure that the document is still valid. At this point, it is also advisable to check that the grantee name on the certificate matches the registered keeper of the receiving vehicle.
From here, you can start the process of assigning the plate to your vehicle. This can be done using the DVLA site. On this page, you will be asked to enter the registration of the plate you’re looking to transfer, whether you’re the grantee/purchaser, as well as information specific to your V5C (logbook) registration documents.
After this, you will be able to submit your completed form.
Postal Transfers
Similarly to the online transfer method, you must first make sure that your V750 or V778 are still in date and not expired. You must also be sure that the grantee name on the certificate matches the name of the registered keeper of the vehicle the plate is being transferred to.
From here you will need to complete the appropriate sections of the V750 or V778 and sign any sections requiring a signature.
The completed document will then need to be shipped with an £80 cheque addressed to “DVLA Swansea”. You will also need to enclose the logbook (V5C) for the vehicle the plate will be transferred to.
Vehicle to Document
This type of transfer is best for number plate holders who are looking to retain their plate. This will allow you to keep your number plate to use later.
The Retention Method
As mentioned on the DVLA Website, the “Retention” method of transferring a private plate refers to the process of taking the plate off of the current car.
Retaining your plate can be done through both an online application and a postal form.
Retain Online
To retain your plate online, visit the previously mentioned DVLA Website. Once you have started your application, you will be asked to fill out the registration of the plate you wish to remove and the registered keeper’s postcode. You will then be asked to confirm that you’re the registered keeper and pay the £80 transfer fee to the DVLA.
After this, you will just need to await the arrival of your V778 retention document and updated logbook.
Retain by Post
If you wish to use the postal method for retaining your plate, you must first download the V317 form. Then, follow the “Option B” instructions, completing section 1on page 2 with the relevant information from your V5C document.
Tick the most relevant statement in section 2. Fill out section 3 with the details of the person making the application. Section 4.1 should only be completed if the ownership of the plates is to be changed. Section 4.2 should only be completed if a dealer is acting on your behalf, and you wish to receive documentation and correspondence.
When the form is ready to be shipped, enclose it with an £80 cheque payable to “DVLA Swansea”, as well as the V5C for your vehicle. The address this should be shipped to will be stated on the V317 form.
Plate Transfer FAQs
How Long Does It Take To Transfer My Private Plate To A New Car?
Once the initial application has been submitted, the process should take around two weeks. However, it will take longer if the vehicle requires any form of inspection.
Is My Car Still Insured If I Change The Plate?
Theoretically, there shouldn't be any change to your insurance with the change of plates, but the best way to know for certain is to just ask your insurance provider.
Always give your insurance provider ample notice before you change your reg plate.
Can You Transfer a Private Plate Immediately?
There are a few rare cases where you may be able to transfer your plate immediately after your application is received. This is only possible if a vehicle inspection is not required by the DVLA, meaning you don’t have to wait to remove the plate from your vehicle.
What Happens If I Drive With The Wrong Number Plates?
Driving with the wrong plates on your car is a criminal offence. If you are a first time offender, you will be issued with a vehicle defect rectification notice, giving you 14 days to rectify the illegal plates. If this is not rectified or is not your first offence, you risk getting a fine of up to £1,000.
Can I Transfer My Number Plate Between Vehicle Types?
Yes, as long as the plate and vehicle are both compliant with any laws surrounding number plate spacing and fixings, then you can transfer your plate between different vehicle types.
Private Plates With Absolute Reg
If you’re looking to get your hands on a private plate, either to spruce up your own car or to gift to a special someone, look no further than Absolute Reg. You can benefit from Absolute Reg’s catalogue of 50 million plates, that’s even more than the DVLA.
Start your private plate search today.
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Number Plate Screws & Fixings Law
Take a Private Plate Off a Vehicle (DVLA)