UK Number Plate Area Codes: Full List (2024)

While most people know that a car’s number plate will tell you when the car was registered, this isn't the only thing it tells you. You can also find out where the car was registered if you know what to look for.
In this guide, we’ll explain how you can use a number plate to find out where a car was registered in the UK according to the DVLA using something called “number plate area codes”.
What is a Number Plate Area Code?
An area code, or local memory tag, is a two letter section of a number plate which is used to indicate the area in which the plate was registered. Area codes on number plates are primarily used by the authorities to make tracking vehicles easier.
Before the current formatting, introduced in 2001, if you wanted more information on a specific plate, you would have to contact the DVLA office directly. Now, thanks to the introduction of area codes on number plates, the process of finding where a car was registered is now much easier.
While this isn't true for every car as it depends on the year it was registered. The standard formatting is “AB51 ABC” according to the 2001 introduction.
Number Plate Memory Tags
Until 2013, the first two letters of the plate were used to show which DVLA office a car was registered at. Since these offices have now closed, memory tags are now used as a general area code to show where in the country the car’s dealership is located.
For example, if you were to buy a new car in Essex, the memory tag will almost always start with the letter E.
Full List of Car Registration Plate Areas
Below is a full list of area codes for all of the UK’s regions and the DVLA offices that issued them before 2013:
Regional Identifiers |
Region |
DVLA Office |
AA, AB, AC, AD, AE, AF, AG, AH, AJ, AK, AL, AM, AN |
Anglia |
Peterborough |
AO, AP, AR, AS, AT, AU |
Anglia |
Norwich |
AV, AW, AX, AY |
Anglia |
Ipswich |
BA, BB, BC, BD, BE, BF, BG, BH, BJ, BK, BL, BM, BN, BO, BP, BR, BS, BT, BU, BV, BW, BX, BY |
Birmingham |
Birmingham |
CA, CB, CC, CD, CE, CF, CG, CH, CJ, CK, CL, CM, CN, CO |
Cymru |
Cardiff |
CP, CR, CS, CT, CU, CV |
Cymru |
Swansea |
CW, CX, CY |
Cymru |
Bangor |
DA, DB, DC, DD, DE, DF, DG, DH, DJ, DK |
Deeside to Shrewsbury |
Chester |
DL, DM, DN, DO, DP, DR, DS, DT, DU, DV, DW, DX, DY |
Deeside to Shrewsbury |
Shrewsbury |
EA, EB, EC, ED, EE, EF, EG, EH, EJ, EK, EL, EM, EN, EO, EP, ER, ES, ET, EU, EV, EW, EX, EY |
Essex |
Chelmsford |
FA, FB, FC, FD, FE, FF, FG, FH, FJ, FK, FL, FM, FN, FP |
Forest and Fens |
Nottingham |
FR, FS, FT, FV, FW, FX, FY |
Forest and Fens |
Lincoln |
GA, GB, GC, GD, GE, GF, GG, GH, GJ, GK, GL, GM, GN, GO |
Garden of England |
Maidstone |
GP, GR, GS, GT, GU, GV, GX, GY |
Garden of England |
Brighton |
HA, HB, HC, HD, HE, HF, HG, HH, HJ |
Hampshire and Dorset |
Bournemouth |
HK, HL, HM, HN, HO, HP, HR, HS, HT, HU, HV, HX, HY |
Hampshire and Dorset |
Portsmouth |
HW |
Hampshire and Dorset |
Portsmouth (Used exclusively for the Isle of Wight) |
KA, KB, KC, KD, KE, KF, KG, KH, KJ, KK, KL |
- |
Luton |
KM, KN, KO, KP, KR, KS, KT, KU, KV, KW, KX, KY |
- |
Northampton |
LA, LB, LC, LD, LE, LF, LG, LH, LJ |
London |
Wimbledon |
LK, LL, LM, LN, LO, LP, LR, LS, LT |
London |
Stanmore |
LU, LV, LW, LX, LY |
London |
Sidcup |
MA, MB, MC, MD, ME, MF, MG, MH, MJ, MK, ML, MM, MN, MO, MP, MR, MS, MT, MU, MV, MW, MX, MY |
Manchester and Merseyside |
Manchester |
NA, NB, NC, ND, NE, NF, NG, NH, NJ, NK, NL, NM, NN, NO |
North |
Newcastle |
NP, NR, NS, NT, NU, NV, NW, NX, NY |
North |
Stockton |
OA, OB, OC, OD, OE, OF, OG, OH, OJ, OK, OL, OM, ON, OO, OP, OR, OS, OT, OU, OV, OW, OX, OY |
Oxford |
Oxford |
PA, PB, PC, PD, PE, PF, PG, PH, PJ, PK, PL, PM, PN, PO, PP, PR, PS, PT |
Preston |
Preston |
PU, PV, PW, PX, PY |
Preston |
Carlisle |
RA, RB, RC, RD, RE, RF, RG, RH, RJ, RK, RL, RM, RN, RO, RP, RR, RS, RT, RU, RV, RW, RX, RY |
Reading |
Reading |
SA, SB, SC, SD, SE, SF, SG, SH, SJ |
Scotland |
Glasgow |
SK, SL, SM, SN, SO |
Scotland |
Edinburgh |
SP, SR, SS, ST |
Scotland |
Dundee |
SU, SV, SW |
Scotland |
Aberdeen |
SX, SY |
Scotland |
Inverness |
VA, VB, VC, VD, VE, VF, VG, VH, VJ, VK, VL, VM, VN, VO, VP, VR, VS, VT, VU, VV, VW, VX, VY |
Severn Valley |
Worcester |
WA, WB, WC, WD, WE, WF, WG, WH, WJ |
West of England |
Exeter |
WK, WL |
West of England |
Truro |
WM, WN, WO, WP, WR, WS, WT, WU, WV, WW, WX, WY |
West of England |
Bristol |
YA, YB, YC, YD, YE, YF, YG, YH, YJ, YK |
Yorkshire |
Leeds |
YL, YM, YN, YO, YP, YR, YS, YT, YU |
Yorkshire |
Sheffield |
YV, YW, YX, YY |
Yorkshire |
Beverley |
Understanding Older Number Plates Area Codes
Since the current number plate system was only introduced in 2001, it is still fairly common to see older “prefix” style number plates.
These plates are formatted as “A123 ABC”. The first letter represents the year of the car's registration and the final two letters (BC) represent the area code.
Area Codes for Prefix and Suffix Number Plates
Prefix and suffix plates use the same area codes, the following alphabetically sorted list will help you quickly sort through them:
Area Code |
Registration Region |
A |
London |
AA |
Bournemouth |
AB |
Worcester |
AC |
Coventry |
AD |
Gloucester |
AE |
Bristol |
AF |
Truro |
AG |
Hull |
AH |
Norwich |
AJ |
Middlesbrough |
AK |
Sheffield |
AL |
Nottingham |
AM |
Swindon |
AN |
Reading |
AO |
Carlisle |
AP |
Brighton |
AR |
Chelmsford |
AS |
Inverness |
AT |
Hull |
AU |
Nottingham |
AV |
Peterborough |
AW |
Shrewsbury |
AX |
Cardiff |
AY |
Leicester |
AZ |
Belfast |
B |
Lancashire |
BA |
Manchester |
BB |
Newcastle-upon-Tyne |
BC |
Leicester |
BD |
Northampton |
BE |
Lincoln |
BF |
Stoke-on-Trent |
BG |
Liverpool |
BH |
Luton |
BJ |
Ipswich |
BK |
Portsmouth |
BL |
Reading |
BM |
Luton |
BN |
Manchester or Bolton |
BO |
Cardiff |
BP |
Portsmouth |
BR |
Newcastle-upon-Tyne |
BS |
Aberdeen |
BT |
Leeds |
BU |
Manchester |
BV |
Preston |
BW |
Oxford |
BX |
Haverfordwest |
BY |
London (North-West) |
BZ |
County Down |
C |
West Yorkshire |
CA |
Chester |
CB |
Manchester |
CC |
Bangor |
CD |
Brighton |
CE |
Peterborough |
CF |
Reading |
CG |
Bournemouth |
CH |
Nottingham |
CJ |
Gloucester |
CK |
Preston |
CL |
Norwich |
CM |
Liverpool |
CN |
Newcastle-upon-Tyne |
CO |
Exeter |
CP |
Huddersfield |
CR |
Southampton |
CS |
Glasgow |
CT |
Lincoln |
CU |
Newcastle-upon-Tyne |
CV |
Truro |
CW |
Preston |
CX |
Huddersfield |
CY |
Swansea |
CZ |
Belfast |
D |
Kent |
DA |
Birmingham |
DB |
Manchester |
DC |
Middlesbrough |
DD |
Gloucester |
DE |
Haverfordwest |
DF |
Gloucester |
DG |
Gloucester |
DH |
Dudley |
DJ |
Liverpool |
DK |
Rochdale, later Manchester |
DL |
Portsmouth |
DM |
Chester |
DN |
Leeds |
DO |
Lincoln |
DP |
Reading |
DR |
Exeter |
DS |
Glasgow |
DT |
Sheffield |
DU |
Coventry |
DV |
Exeter |
DW |
Cardiff |
DX |
Ipswich |
DY |
Brighton |
DZ |
County Antrim |
E |
Staffordshire |
EA |
Dudley |
EB |
Peterborough |
EC |
Preston |
ED |
Liverpool |
EE |
Lincoln |
EF |
Middlesbrough |
EG |
Peterborough |
EH |
Stoke-on-Trent |
EJ |
Haverfordwest |
EK |
Liverpool |
EL |
Bournemouth |
EM |
Liverpool |
EN |
Bury, later Manchester |
EO |
Preston |
EP |
Swansea |
ER |
Peterborough |
ES |
Dundee |
ET |
Sheffield |
EU |
Bristol |
EV |
Chelmsford |
EW |
Peterborough |
EX |
Norwich |
EY |
Bangor |
EZ |
Belfast |
F |
Essex |
FA |
Stoke-on-Trent |
FB |
Bristol |
FC |
Oxford |
FD |
Dudley |
FE |
Lincoln |
FF |
Bangor |
FG |
Brighton |
FH |
Gloucester |
FJ |
Exeter |
FK |
Dudley |
FL |
Peterborough |
FM |
Chester |
FN |
Maidstone |
FO |
Gloucester |
FP |
Leicester |
FR |
Preston |
FS |
Edinburgh |
FT |
Newcastle-upon-Tyne |
FU |
Lincoln |
FV |
Preston |
FW |
Lincoln |
FX |
Bournemouth |
FY |
Liverpool |
FZ |
Belfast |
G |
Glasgow |
GA |
Glasgow |
GB |
Glasgow |
GC |
London (South-West) |
GD |
Glasgow |
GE |
Glasgow |
GF |
London (South-West) |
GG |
Glasgow |
GH |
London (South-West) |
GJ |
London (South-West) |
GK |
London (South-West) |
GL |
Truro |
GM |
Reading |
GN |
London (South-West) |
GO |
London (South-West) |
GP |
London (South-West) |
GR |
Newcastle-upon-Tyne |
GS |
Luton |
GT |
London (South-West) |
GU |
London (South-East) |
GV |
Ipswich |
GW |
London (South-East) |
GX |
London (South-East) |
GY |
London (South-East) |
GZ |
Belfast |
H |
London |
HA |
Dudley |
HB |
Cardiff |
HC |
Brighton |
HD |
Huddersfield |
HE |
Sheffield |
HF |
Liverpool |
HG |
Preston |
HH |
Carlisle |
HJ |
Chelmsford |
HK |
Chelmsford |
HL |
Sheffield |
HM |
London (Central) |
HN |
Middlesbrough |
HO |
Bournemouth |
HP |
Coventry |
HR |
Swindon |
HS |
Glasgow |
HT |
Bristol |
HU |
Bristol |
HV |
London (Central) |
HW |
Bristol |
HX |
London (Central) |
HY |
Bristol |
J |
Durham |
JA |
Manchester |
JB |
Reading |
JC |
Bangor |
JD |
London (Central) |
JE |
Peterborough |
JF |
Leicester |
JG |
Maidstone |
JH |
Reading |
JJ |
Maidstone |
JK |
Brighton |
JL |
Lincoln |
JM |
Reading |
JN |
Chelmsford |
JO |
Oxford |
JP |
Liverpool |
JR |
Newcastle-upon-Tyne |
JS |
Inverness |
JT |
Bournemouth |
JU |
Leicester |
JV |
Lincoln |
JW |
Birmingham |
JX |
Huddersfield |
JY |
Exeter |
JZ |
County Down |
K |
Liverpool |
KA |
Liverpool |
KB |
Liverpool |
KC |
Liverpool |
KD |
Liverpool |
KE |
Maidstone |
KF |
Liverpool |
KG |
Cardiff |
KH |
Hull |
KJ |
Maidstone |
KK |
Maidstone |
KL |
Maidstone |
KM |
Maidstone |
KN |
Maidstone |
KO |
Maidstone |
KP |
Maidstone |
KR |
Maidstone |
KS |
Edinburgh |
KT |
Maidstone |
KU |
Sheffield |
KV |
Coventry |
KW |
Sheffield |
KX |
Luton |
KY |
Sheffield |
KZ |
County Antrim |
L |
Glamorganshire |
LA |
London (North-West) (used for London County Council before 1965) |
LB |
London (North-West) (used for London County Council before 1965) |
LC |
London (North-West) (used for London County Council before 1965) |
LD |
London (North-West) (used for London County Council before 1965) |
LE |
London (North-West) (used for London County Council before 1965) |
LF |
London (North-West) (used for London County Council before 1965) |
LG |
Chester |
LH |
London (North-West) (used for London County Council before 1965) |
KJ |
Bournemouth |
LK |
London (North-West) (used for London County Council before 1965) |
LL |
London (North-West) (used for London County Council before 1965) |
LM |
London (North-West) (used for London County Council before 1965) |
LN |
London (North-West) (used for London County Council before 1965) |
LO |
London (North-West) (used for London County Council before 1965) |
LP |
London (North-West) (used for London County Council before 1965) |
LR |
London (North-West) (used for London County Council before 1965) |
LS |
Edinburgh |
LT |
London (North-West) (used for London County Council before 1965) |
LU |
London (North-West) (used for London County Council before 1965) |
LV |
Liverpool |
LW |
London (North-West) (used for London County Council before 1965) |
LX |
London (North-West) (used for London County Council before 1965) |
LY |
London (North-West) (used for London County Council before 1965) |
LZ |
County Armagh |
M |
Cheshire |
MA |
Chester |
MB |
Chester |
MC |
London (North-East) (used for Middlesex before 1965) |
MD |
London (North-East) (used for Middlesex before 1965) |
ME |
London (North-East) (used for Middlesex before 1965) |
MF |
London (North-East) (used for Middlesex before 1965) |
MG |
London (North-East) (used for Middlesex before 1965) |
MH |
London (North-East) (used for Middlesex before 1965) |
MJ |
Luton |
MK |
London (North-East) (used for Middlesex before 1965) |
ML |
London (North-East) (used for Middlesex before 1965) |
MM |
London (North-East) (used for Middlesex before 1965) |
MN |
used in the Isle of Man |
MO |
Reading |
MP |
London (North-East) (used for Middlesex before 1965) |
MR |
Swindon |
MS |
Edinburgh |
MT |
London (North-East) (used for Middlesex before 1965) |
MU |
London (North-East) (used for Middlesex before 1965) |
MV |
London (North-East) (used for Middlesex before 1965) |
MW |
Swindon |
MX |
London (North-East) (used for Middlesex before 1965) |
MY |
London (North-East) (used for Middlesex before 1965) |
MZ |
Belfast |
N |
Manchester |
NA |
Manchester |
NB |
Manchester |
NC |
Manchester |
ND |
Manchester |
NE |
Manchester |
NF |
Manchester |
NG |
Norwich |
NH |
Northampton |
NJ |
Brighton |
NK |
Luton |
NL |
Newcastle-upon-Tyne |
NM |
Luton |
NN |
Nottingham |
NO |
Chelmsford |
NP |
Worcester |
NR |
Leicester |
NS |
Glasgow |
NT |
Shrewsbury |
NU |
Nottingham |
NV |
Northampton |
NW |
Leeds |
NX |
Dudley |
NY |
Cardiff |
NZ |
County Londonderry/Derry |
O |
Birmingham |
OA |
Birmingham |
OB |
Birmingham |
OC |
Birmingham |
OD |
Exeter |
OE |
Birmingham |
OF |
Birmingham |
OG |
Birmingham |
OH |
Birmingham |
OI |
Belfast |
OJ |
Birmingham |
OK |
Birmingham |
OL |
Birmingham |
OM |
Birmingham |
ON |
Birmingham |
OO |
Chelmsford |
OP |
Birmingham |
OR |
Portsmouth |
OS |
Glasgow |
OT |
Portsmouth |
OU |
Bristol |
OV |
Birmingham |
OW |
Southampton |
OX |
Birmingham |
OY |
London (North-West) |
OZ |
Belfast |
P |
Surrey |
PA |
Guildford |
PB |
Guildford |
PC |
Guildford |
PD |
Guildford |
PE |
Guildford |
PF |
Guildford |
PG |
Guildford |
PH |
Guildford |
PJ |
Guildford |
PK |
Guildford |
PL |
Guildford |
PM |
Guildford |
PN |
Brighton |
PO |
Portsmouth (GPO formerly used for General Post Office vehicles) |
PP |
Luton |
PR |
Bournemouth |
PS |
Aberdeen |
PT |
Newcastle-upon-Tyne |
PU |
Chelmsford |
PV |
Ipswich |
PW |
Norwich |
PX |
Portsmouth |
PY |
Middlesbrough |
PZ |
Belfast |
R |
Derbyshire |
RA |
Nottingham |
RB |
Nottingham |
RC |
Nottingham |
RD |
Reading |
RE |
Stoke-on-Trent |
RF |
Stoke-on-Trent |
RG |
Newcastle-upon-Tyne |
RH |
Hull |
RJ |
Manchester |
RK |
London (North-West) |
RL |
Truro |
RM |
Carlisle |
RN |
Preston |
RO |
Luton |
RP |
Northampton |
RR |
Nottingham |
RS |
Aberdeen |
RT |
Ipswich |
RU |
Bournemouth |
RV |
Portsmouth |
RW |
Coventry |
RX |
Reading |
RY |
Leicester |
RZ |
County Antrim |
S |
Edinburgh |
SA |
Aberdeen |
SB |
Glasgow |
SC |
Edinburgh |
SD |
Glasgow |
SE |
Aberdeen |
SF |
Edinburgh |
SG |
Edinburgh |
SH |
Edinburgh |
SJ |
Glasgow |
SK |
Inverness |
SL |
Dundee |
SM |
Carlisle |
SN |
Dundee |
SO |
Aberdeen |
SP |
Dundee |
SR |
Dundee |
SS |
Aberdeen |
ST |
Inverness |
SU |
Glasgow |
SW |
Carlisle |
SX |
Edinburgh |
T |
Devon |
TA |
Exeter |
TB |
Liverpool |
TC |
Bristol |
TD |
Manchester |
TE |
Manchester |
TF |
Reading |
TG |
Cardiff |
TH |
Swansea |
TJ |
Liverpool |
TK |
Exeter |
TL |
Lincoln |
TM |
Luton |
TN |
Newcastle-upon-Tyne |
TO |
Nottingham |
TP |
Portsmouth |
TR |
Southampton |
TS |
Dundee |
TT |
Exeter |
TU |
Chester |
TV |
Nottingham |
TW |
Chelmsford |
TX |
Cardiff |
TY |
Newcastle-upon-Tyne |
TZ |
Belfast |
U |
Leeds |
UA |
Leeds |
UB |
Leeds |
UC |
London (Central) |
UD |
Oxford |
UE |
Dudley |
UF |
Brighton |
UG |
Leeds |
UH |
Cardiff |
UI |
County Londonderry/Derry |
UJ |
Shrewsbury |
UK |
Birmingham |
UL |
London (Central) |
UM |
Leeds |
UN |
Exeter |
UO |
Exeter |
UP |
Newcastle-upon-Tyne |
UR |
Luton |
US |
Glasgow |
UT |
Leicester |
UU |
London (Central) |
UV |
London (Central) |
UW |
London (Central) |
UX |
Shrewsbury |
UY |
Worcester |
UZ |
Belfast |
V |
Lanarkshire |
VA |
Peterborough |
VB |
Maidstone |
VC |
Coventry |
VD |
Lanarkshire/Luton |
VE |
Peterborough |
VF |
Norwich |
VG |
Norwich |
VH |
Huddersfield |
VJ |
Gloucester |
VK |
Newcastle-upon-Tyne |
VL |
Lincoln |
VM |
Manchester |
VN |
Middlesbrough |
VO |
Nottingham |
VP |
Birmingham |
VR |
Manchester |
VS |
Luton |
VT |
Stoke-on-Trent |
VU |
Manchester |
VV |
Northampton |
VW |
Chelmsford |
VX |
Chelmsford |
VY |
Leeds |
VZ |
County Tyrone |
W |
Sheffield |
WA |
Sheffield |
WB |
Sheffield |
WC |
Chelmsford |
WD |
Dudley |
WE |
Sheffield |
WF |
Sheffield |
WG |
Sheffield |
WH |
Manchester or Bolton |
WJ |
Sheffield |
WK |
Coventry |
WL |
Oxford |
WM |
Liverpool |
WN |
Swansea |
WO |
Cardiff |
WP |
Worcester |
WR |
Leeds |
WS |
Bristol |
WT |
Leeds |
WU |
Leeds |
WV |
Brighton |
WW |
Leeds |
WX |
Leeds |
WY |
Leeds |
WZ |
Belfast |
X |
Northumberland |
XI |
Belfast |
XZ |
County Armagh |
Y |
Somerset |
YA |
Taunton |
YB |
Taunton |
YC |
Taunton |
YD |
Taunton |
YE |
London (Central) |
YF |
London (Central) |
YG |
Leeds |
YH |
London (Central) |
YJ |
Brighton |
YK |
London (Central) |
YL |
London (Central) |
YM |
London (Central) |
YN |
London (Central) |
YO |
London (Central) |
YP |
London (Central) |
YR |
London (Central) |
YS |
Glasgow |
YT |
London (Central) |
YU |
London (Central) |
YV |
London (Central) |
YW |
London (Central) |
YX |
London (Central) |
YY |
London (Central) |
YZ |
County Londonderry |
What Do The First Two Letters On a Number Plate Mean?
Unless your number plate is a private plate, the first two letters of your UK number will always be used to refer to the location of the vehicle’s registration. The first letter is used to show the region, for example “L” for London. The second letter is used to narrow that down further to a local area within that region, for example “LA” for London, Lambeth.
How Do You Read UK Number Plates?
The order in which you read a number plate differs depending on the type of number plate you’re looking at.
New style plates follow the format of AB123ABC. With this style, AB shows us where in the country the plate was registered, while the following numbers show us the year of registration.
Prefix plates, which follow the structure of A123BCD, are the most popular plate type. Here, A represents the year of registration and CD represent the area code.
Suffix plates, which are styled as ABC123A, are similar to prefix plates but are read slightly differently. Here, the single A represents the year of registration, and BC is used as the area code.
When it comes to dateless plates, the only thing you need to look out for is an area code. As their name suggests, these plates do not include an age identifier.
Find Your Number Plate Area Code with Absolute Reg
Buying a new number plate for your vehicle is not only a chance to show off your individual style – it’s also an opportunity to invest. Rarely depreciating in value, number plates offer a unique investing opportunity for anyone.
Use our free number plate search tool to find your dream number plate today.
Read More
Guide to Number Plate Formats For Beginners
What are the Different UK Number Plate Styles?
Number Plate Screws and Fixings Laws
How to Check if a Number Plate is on Retention